Which documents do you need to have in order to be eligible…
Which documents do you need to have in order to be eligible for Online Classes/Degree?
In order to be eligible for an online degree, you must have a: high school qualification, high school transcripts, GPA from high school or university, an essay, letter of recommendation and ACT/SAT scores.
What are the benefits of applying later or reapplying if you get rejected?
Reapplying next year if your application gets rejected is a great way to improve yourself and rest during that time. Make sure you find out what your weakest points are, maybe it was your standardized test scores or admission essay, maybe your interviewing skills or not having done enough extra-curricular activities! To get a better insight we suggest you email a counselor and look through everything together.
Important steps before applying for Distance Learning?
Checking the main requirements and deadlines before you apply for an online college is an important step besides researching for the right colleges and scholarships. You need to meet all the criteria to be able to take online lectures that lead up to a degree and it is not just money.
What are the technical requirements to be able to follow online classes?
Online education has a few tech requirements each student should meet. Every student needs to have basic computer skills and: high-speed internet access, a recent operating system, office software, microphone, speakers/headphones and maybe a CD/DVD drive which can be found in every laptop or PC.
Why are Online classes better than traditional classes?
Traditional classes require a lot of money, time and patience to finish. Online degrees are growing in popularity for good reason. There are many people who don’t want to spend a huge amount of money to finish a degree or can’t travel far away from their family or even have a job.
How many students who chose to study online have agreed that Online Education is worth its cost?
Out of all students who started online education, almost half of students who have taken online classes exclusively have strongly agreed that their online education was worth the cost, 40% of them agreed, 10% neither agreed or disagreed and 5 % disagreed.
How does studying Online benefit you apart from it being cheaper?
Learning online not only improves your time-management skills but it also makes you a more responsible and self-disciplined person. You won’t need to waste your time walking to class, waiting for the time-table, waiting to choose the subjects you want to take therefore, receiving an online degree is a great process for all.
How has the current situation impacted Traditional Classes and Universities?
There has been a major increase in interest for online degrees due to the pandemic. Almost all of the institutions have moved to an online platform where 3 million students have been impacted.