What are the reasons why students switched from traditional classes to online…
What are the reasons why students switched from traditional classes to online classes?
Half of the students admitted to choosing online education due to the difficulty of attending class on campus, 20% of them chose online learning because it was the only way to study the field they wanted to study, 20% chose it because of partnership, almost 10% because of the reputation of a particular university and 5% other reasons.
What is the first thing you need to check if you’ve chosen the University you want to study in Online?
If you plan on starting an online degree make sure you check if the university you want to apply to is accredited. After that you need to check the deadline and requirements of that specific university because every university is different. In general, here is what universities require: a high school qualification, high school transcripts, GPA from high school or university, an essay, letter of recommendation and ACT/SAT scores.
What to do in case you get rejected?
In case you get rejected don’t feel down there are so many opportunities online and there is no pressure to hurry. You can apply to other universities or reapply next semester or year if you want to receive a diploma but if you want to take an online course then no rejection will come your way.
Do traditional universities or online universities have more degree/course options?
Besides the obvious reasons online education is a great way to get a diploma because it has many degrees and courses compared to traditional universities. You have more choices of course topics and you can do all of that at home!
Where to check the University’s requirements after you have chosen to study Online and the type of degree you are going to receive?
Before applying for an online degree and after making up your mind on the course and the university you want to finish your degree in, you have to check the university’s requirements. For that, you can check the university’s website where they explain the requirements in detail.
Are there other ways to receive a diploma if you don’t have the funds to pay for University?
People who can’t afford traditional classes or have other reasons why they can’t move to the university they want to attend have the opportunity to get their diploma through online education. Distance education is a great way to save time, money and be in the comfort of your own home while you learn and get the diploma you want.
How many students started an online course, an undergraduate degree and postgraduate degree?
There were 20million students where 7 million of them enrolled in some form of online education/distance learning. 5.5 million were undergraduate students and 1.5 were postgrad. Out of the 1.5million, 10% of them took some online classes whereas 30% finished all of their online classes and received a diploma.
What are the methods used in online classes and what equipment do you need to be able to follow?
The reason why high-speed internet access, a recent operating system, office software, microphone, speakers/headphones and CD/DVD drive are needed is because online lectures take place through a combination of online methods such as: class chat rooms, web conferences, videos, prerecorded lectures, teleconferences and much more.